Translates BBC BASIC to Acorn ANSI C.

HTML Manual Edition 2.1 for !BBC_C Version 8.36

May, 2002

Martin Carradus

Copyright © 2002 Leaf Mindcraft and Melotech

4. Description of the Icon Bar Menu.

When the !BBC_C application is run by double-clicking on its icon, the icon is loaded onto the icon bar. Clicking 'Select' on this bar icon gives the 'Set Up' panel described above, but clicking 'Menu' will present the user with the following menu:-

To the right:- The First Level of the Bar Icon Menu.

Clicking on 'Quit' immediately removes the icon from the icon bar and aborts the application.

Clicking on 'Help' causes a window to appear giving descriptions of the options available from the 'Set Up' panel.

Clicking on 'Save options' will cause the set of options that you have chosen from the 'Set Up' panel and this menu to be permanently saved to a file within !BBC_C. This means that your version of this application will always come up with your set of options rather than default ones every time you run !BBC_C.

Moving right over the arrow besides 'Info' displays an information box, such as:-

To the right:- The Information Panel.

Principally this will tell you what the version and date is of the Translator you have.

Moving right over the arrow besides 'Options' will produce a display such as:-

To the right:- The Second Level of the Bar Icon Menu.

The first set of options you are given is firstly to cause !BBC_C to automatically run when it receives the file name without having to click the 'Run' button - Auto Run. Secondly you can cause the translated C to be automatically saved without having to click 'OK' on the 'Save As' box mentioned above - Auto Save. Both options are enabled by clicking on the menu item which causes it to be ticked on the menu display.

Moving right over the arrow besides 'Display' will produce a display such as:-

To the right:- The Third Level of the Bar Icon Menu.

By default when !BBC_C runs it produces textual information. By ticking 'Summary', instead a Summary window is displayed when !BBC_C runs. This looks like:-

To the right:- The 'Summary' Panel.

The number of lines given is not the number of lines of C code output, but the number of lines of text that would be displayed if the 'Text' option had been chosen. Not both 'Summary' and 'Text' can be chosen at the same time.

All the menu options chosen will be saved when 'Save options' is clicked on.

This document was generated on 20th May 2002 for !BBC_C distributed by Melotech for Martin Carradus.